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26 de ene. de 2015 · It does not mean 'a chance of'; but at the same time it does not mean 'an opportunity of', An opportunity of something means a definite opening of some kind which can be made use of or not, according to the individual's action. Therefore the meaning is more than 'a chance of' and less than 'an opportunity of'.
29 de jul. de 2007 · Español peninsular - Français. Jul 29, 2007. #3. En España, Argótide, se diferencia muy bien las palabras chanza (vocablo con mucha solera en el idioma castellano) y chance (tomado prestado del francés, desde hace unos años solamente). Como has podido comprobar en el DRAE, el sentido de la una no tiene nada que ver con el de la otra.
1 de abr. de 2008 · English (USA), Spanish. Apr 1, 2008. #3. It depends what you are trying to say. I understand "It is your chance to win the lottery" as it (now?) is your opportunity to win it. The second sentence is about probability. For example: "Your chance of winning the lottery is one in a million." W.
27 de ago. de 2009 · Hola, Bocha. Por lo menos en Venezuela se usa mucho, siempre en masculino. Los jóvenes les dicen a las chicas: "Dame un chance", los trabajadores se excusan ante el jefe con un "No tuve chance de hacerlo, necesito más días", y los que están arruinados siempre confiarán en tener un chance de ganarse la lotería (incluso había una que se llamaba "El Chance").
21 de ene. de 2006 · Significado exclusivo de "chance", y no de "opportunity": Azar, suerte, casualidad. - Me encontré con un amigo en la calle por casualidad = I met a friend in the street by chance. - No me gusta planear todo, sino dejar las cosas al azar = I don't like to plan everything, I like to leave some things to chance.
4 de mar. de 2021 · If I get a chance doesn’t say anything about likelihood either. And it, too, only makes sense if said by someone who doesn’t currently have that chance. But it’s being stated indicatively – as a fact, rather than a hypothesis / information, rather than conjecture.
17 de oct. de 2005 · Chile, español chilenizado. Oct 17, 2005. #4. by chance (fate) casualidad f, azar m; it was pure chance that we met nos encontramos de or por. pura casualidad; to trust sth to chance dejar algo (librado) al azar; to leave nothing to. chance no dejar nada (librado) al azar; by chance por or de casualidad; have you seen my.
24 de nov. de 2015 · Since 1970, slim chance has become the most popular of the various versions of this phrase.Thin chance exists, but has always been rare.
19 de nov. de 2020 · Senior Member. Derby (central England) English - England. Nov 19, 2020. #2. Note the change from Longman's "get/have a chance to do something" to Longman's "I'd like a job in which I get the chance to travel." I would be inclined to say, "Phone me when you get the chance", but I'm not saying that "have" and "a" are wrong.
27 de jun. de 2016 · Cumbria, UK. British English. Jun 23, 2020. #10. "Chances" is generally a lot more common than "chance", even when only one probability is being talked about. However in the OP's sentence, with "any", we usually use "chance" (singular).