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  1. A summary of Chapter 2 in Aldous Huxley's Brave New World. Learn exactly what happened in this chapter, scene, or section of Brave New World and what it means. Perfect for acing essays, tests, and quizzes, as well as for writing lesson plans.

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      A summary of Chapter 1 in Aldous Huxley's Brave New...

    • Foreshadowing

      Brave New World does not make heavy or overt use of...

  2. The World State, in effect, whispers into the ear of each of its sleeping young citizens to ensure compliance with the social order. Banned words — especially "mother" — produce a strong response of revulsion and shame, the effect of the carefully taught aversion to human reproduction.

  3. Critical Essays Society and the Individual in Brave New World. "Every one belongs to every one else," whispers the voice in the dreams of the young in Huxley's future world — the hypnopaedic suggestion discouraging exclusivity in friendship and love. In a sense in this world, every one is every one else as well.

  4. Revisado por Marián Ortiz. Especialista en Medios Audiovisuales. Un mundo feliz ( Brave New World) es un libro de ciencia ficción y crítica social escrito por el inglés Aldous Leonard Huxley (1894) en el año 1931 y publicado un año después. Se trata de una de las distopías más famosas del siglo XX.

  5. Chapter Two. M R. F OSTER was left in the Decanting Room. The D.H.C. and his students stepped into the nearest lift and were carried up to the fifth floor. INFANT NURSERIES. NEO-PAVLOVIAN CONDITIONING ROOMS, announced the notice board. The Director opened a door.

  6. Character Analysis Mustapha Mond. The Controller, one of the ten men who run the World State, represents a combination of past and present, convention and rebellion. A man of two worlds, Mond is familiar with the history that others are forbidden to know, and so his thinking ranges both inside and outside the present social order.

  7. Overview. Aldous Huxley ’s Brave New World, published in 1932, is a dystopian novel that envisions a future world where technology, conditioning, and a rigid caste system control every aspect of human life.