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  1. Contact Info. Katherine O'Grady Executive Director of Institutional Equity and Compliance and Title IX Coordinator 38 College Street, Room 101 | (207) 725-3493 Julissa Fernandez Confidential Resource Advisor 108 Banister | (207) 208-2673 Ask. Listen. Respect.

  2. › admissions › applyApply | Bowdoin College

    Bowdoin accepts both the Common Application and the Coalition on Scoir application. All applications are treated equally, regardless of source. We also partner with Questbridge, a nonprofit organization that matches high-achieving, low-income students with opportunities in higher education. Applications open on August 1 for first-year students.

  3. Our first building, Massachusetts Hall, originally held the entire college: students, faculty, and administration. Then for a short while, Bowdoin was home to the Medical School of Maine, giving rise to plenty of ghost stories. Planning a visit? Step across Maine Street and you're in the heart of Brunswick —a bustling New England town, easily ...

  4. Then, if you choose to bring that curiosity to Bowdoin, your faculty mentors and advisors will help you build a plan that combines—and strengthens—what you're passionate about. Regardless of what you choose to study, a Bowdoin education prepares you for a meaningful and impactful life, grounded in independent thinking, individual action ...

  5. Bowdoin (rhymes with explodin') is a private, selective, liberal arts college, founded and endowed to benefit the common good. Our historic residential campus, located in Brunswick, Maine, is home to just over 1,800 students from all over the world.. Academic life at Bowdoin spans thirty-three departments, and is cooperative, not competitive: so we tend to attract students who like ...

  6. 鲍登学院(Bowdoin College),位于美国缅因州的一所文理学院,1794年成立。它以詹姆斯·鲍登的名字命名,以纪念这位马萨诸塞州前州长。学校本身注重通才教育,意即注重学生的全面素质以及修养。学生入校不需要决定专业,学校要求学生学习不同领域的课程。

  7. Bowdoin College es una universidad privada estadounidense ubicada en Brunswick ().Tiene aproximadamente 1600 estudiantes. Fue fundada en 1794. En los rankings estadounidenses se encuentra entre las mejores universidades de la nación; por ejemplo en el U.S. News & World Report se encuentra siempre entre las diez mejores pequeñas universidades estadounidenses. [1]