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  1. Billy Chapman is a fictional character in the Silent Night, Deadly Night franchise. Created by writers Paul Caimi and Michael Hickey, the character serves as the protagonist and antivillain of the first film, Silent Night, Deadly Night (1984), and is featured in flashbacks in the sequel, Silent Night, Deadly Night Part 2 (1987).

  2. William "Billy" Chapman is the villainous main protagonist of Silent Night, Deadly Night and the overarching antagonist of Silent Night, Deadly Night Part 2. He was portrayed by Robert Brian Wilson as an adult, Danny Wagner as an 8-year-old child and Jonathan Best as a 5-year-old child.

  3. EXPLICACIÓN | Billy Chapman (El Santa Claus Asesino) y su Origen EXPLICADO. Billy Chapman también conocido como el Santa Claus Asesino es el principal antagonista de la pelicula de Silent...

  4. Billy Chapman is the villainous main protagonist in the cult classic, Silent Night, Deadly Night In Silent Night, Deadly Night, Billy first appears at age five in 1971, driving with his parents and infant brother, Ricky, to visit his grandfather in a psychiatric care facility on Christmas Eve...

  5. William "Billy" Chapman was the main protagonist of Silent Night, Deadly Night. He was Ricky's older brother and Jim and Ellie's oldest son. Year 1971, Billy was 5 years old, he and his family are visiting the nursery home where his catatonic grandfather lives.

  6. Argumento. En la Noche Buena de 1971, Billy Chapman junto a sus padres y su pequeño hermano Ricky van a visitar a su abuelo, el cual asusta a Billy diciéndole que Santa Claus castiga a las personas malas, lo que ocasiona que Billy tenga miedo a Santa Claus.

  7. Billy es el antagonista principal de la película Silent Night, Deadly Night (1984), es un adolescente que sale cada Noche Buena para castigar a quienes se han portado mal bajo el disfraz de Santa Claus, y no se detendrá hasta aniquilar a quienes tuvieron que ver con su horrible pasado.