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  1. 3 de abr. de 2014 · Actor Bill Murray is a comedy icon known for his popular 'Saturday Night Live' characters as well as movie classics like 'Ghostbusters' and 'Lost in Translation.' Learn more at

  2. 12 de may. de 2022 · Anjelica Huston and Bill Murray, in a scene from 'The Life Aquatic.'. According to Howard Ramis, the two were once both walking down the street when a fan suddenly approached Murray to tell him how much they liked his work. The actor responded with, “Bastard, I’m going to bite your nose off!” and wrestled with the fan before, indeed ...

  3. William James "Bill" Murray (sinh ngày 21 tháng 9 năm 1950) là một diễn viên và biên kịch người Mỹ. Ông lần đầu xuất hiện trên Saturday Night Live, một vai diễn giúp ông đoạt giải Emmy đầu tiên, và sau đó đóng trong một loạt phim hài như Meatballs ...

  4. 脚本賞(バラエティー部門). 1977年『 サタデー・ナイト・ライブ 』. ゴールデングローブ賞. 男優賞(ミュージカル・コメディ部門). 2003年 『ロスト・イン・トランスレーション』. その他の賞. テンプレートを表示. ビル・マーレイ (Bill Murray, 1950年 9月21 ...

  5. 29 de sept. de 2022 · Bill Murray joins the army” is pretty much the film’s entire plot, and his laconic sarcasm and carefully deployed eyebrows keep the non-stop jokes afloat. 11. Kingpin (1996)

  6. 比爾·莫瑞. 威廉·詹姆士·莫瑞 (英語: William James Murray ,1950年9月21日 — ),暱稱 比爾·莫瑞 ( Bill Murray ),生於 美國 伊利諾州 埃文斯頓 ,喜劇演員與作家。. 曾經入圍過 奧斯卡最佳男主角獎 並獲得過1次 英國電影和電視藝術學院 最佳男主角獎。.

  7. 比尔·默里(Bill Murray),原名威廉·詹姆斯·默瑞,1950年9月21日生于美国伊利诺伊,家里9个孩子中排行第五。父亲爱德华·默瑞是一名木材推销员,他17岁那年就去世了,母亲露西尔·默瑞。和大多数兄弟姐妹一样,比尔·默瑞小时候靠当高尔夫球童赚取自己在罗耀拉学会上学的学费。在这所耶稣教学校 ...

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