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  1. Ruth Elizabeth «Bette» Davis (Lowell, Massachusetts, 5 de abril de 1908-Neuilly-sur-Seine, París, 6 de octubre de 1989) fue una actriz estadounidense de teatro, cine y televisión.

  2. › wiki › Bette_DavisBette Davis - Wikipedia

    Davis was the co-founder of the Hollywood Canteen, and was the first female president of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. Her career went through several periods of eclipse, and she admitted that her success had often been at the expense of her personal relationships.

  3. › name › nm0000012Bette Davis - IMDb

    Bette Davis. Actress: All About Eve. Ruth Elizabeth Davis was born April 5, 1908, in Lowell, Massachusetts, to Ruth Augusta (Favor) and Harlow Morrell Davis, a patent attorney. Her parents divorced when she was 10. She and her sister were raised by their mother. Her early interest was dance.

  4. En 1962 Bette Davis le da un nuevo impulso a su carrera, luego de que su actuación se destacara en la exitosa película de terror, ¿Qué fue de Baby Jane?, valiéndole una décima nominación al Premio Oscar, igualando en número a Laurence Olivier y apenas superada por Jack Nicholson y Katharine Hepburn (ambos con doce nominaciones) y Meryl ...

  5. Bette Davis died in 1989 at the age of 81, having been hailed as being one of the greatest screen actresses in movie history and noted for her intense acting style. She was also...

  6. 12 de sept. de 2017 · A woman of strong appetites and opinions, Bette Davis minces no words. In frank, no nonsense terms she talks about the stroke that nearly killed her, and inspires us with the story of her subsequent recovery from cancer–a lively and encouraging account shot through with the star’s unique blend of spunk and wit.

  7. Bette Davis (Ruth Elisabeth; Lowell, Estados Unidos, 1908 - París, 1989) Actriz estadounidense. Cursó estudios de arte dramático en Nueva York e inició su carrera como actriz protagonizando breves papeles en Broadway.

  8. 3 de abr. de 2014 · American actress Bette Davis was born on April 5, 1908, in Lowell, Massachusetts. After a brief theater career, she became one of the biggest stars in the Hollywood studio system,...

  9. Bette Davis. Actress: All About Eve. Ruth Elizabeth Davis was born April 5, 1908, in Lowell, Massachusetts, to Ruth Augusta (Favor) and Harlow Morrell Davis, a patent attorney. Her parents divorced when she was 10. She and her sister were raised by their mother.

  10. Bette Davis, versatile, volatile American actress whose raw, unbridled intensity kept her at the top of her profession for 50 years. She was known for such movies as Of Human Bondage, Jezebel, Dark Victory, The Little Foxes, All About Eve, and Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?.

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