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  1. Así lo dice Ben Wilson, un hombre de 31 años al que el corazón se le detuvo durante 50 minutos. Un coágulo de sangre le provocó un ataque cardíaco masivo, difundió The Sun el 26 de febrero ...

  2. Ben Wilson, an American high school basketball star from Neal F. Simeon High School in Chicago, Illinois, USA, was shot in the neighborhood surrounding the school during its lunch hour on November 20, 1984. Wilson died from injuries sustained in the shooting the following morning.

  3. 21 de nov. de 2014 · Ben Wilson, 30 años del asesinato más trágico de la historia del baloncesto americano. Con sólo 17 años, ya se había convertido en un ídolo en Chicago. Iba camino de ser una estrella. Pero ...

  4. 22 de nov. de 2023 · El libro Metrópolis, de Ben Wilson, es una historia global de cómo las ciudades han sido la cuna de las grandes civilizaciones de la historia de la humanidad.

  5. Benjamin Wilson Jr. (March 18, 1967 – November 21, 1984) was an American high school basketball player from Chicago, Illinois. Wilson, a Neal F. Simeon Vocational High School basketball

  6. 22 de nov. de 2022 · Ben Wilson was a high school basketball star who was shot and killed in 1984 by kids from a rival school. On his 38th anniversary, the city renamed the street where he was shot in his honor. The ceremony was attended by his family, former teammates, and community leaders.

  7. Ben Wilson (born 1963) is an English wood carver and outsider artist. The son of an artist, Wilson grew up in a creative environment and attended art school. His distaste for industrial waste , cars and rubbish eventually turned into an art form.