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  1. Ben Wilson, an American high school basketball star from Neal F. Simeon High School in Chicago, Illinois, USA, was shot in the neighborhood surrounding the school during its lunch hour on November 20, 1984. Wilson died from injuries sustained in the shooting the following morning.

  2. Benjamin Wilson Jr. (March 18, 1967 – November 21, 1984) was an American high school basketball player from Chicago, Illinois. Wilson, a Neal F. Simeon Vocational High School basketball

  3. 21 de nov. de 2014 · Ben Wilson, 30 años del asesinato más trágico de la historia del baloncesto americano. Con sólo 17 años, ya se había convertido en un ídolo en Chicago. Iba camino de ser una estrella. Pero ...

  4. 22 de nov. de 2022 · Ben Wilson was a high school basketball phenom who was shot and killed by rival gang members in 1984. On the 38th anniversary of his death, Chicago renamed a street in his honor and remembered his legacy.

  5. Most people know artist Ben Wilson for his thousands of miniature paintings on discarded pieces of chewing gum. Often carrying personal messages or meanings suggested by people he happens to meet, the ‘gum pics’ have amazed and delighted pedestrians since he began creating them in 2004.

  6. Su autor, el joven historiador británico Ben Wilson, no duda en proponer que las ciudades son lo mejor del pasado y del futuro, y lo más vivo y prometedor del presente.

  7. 11 de abr. de 2022 · "El mayor invento de la humanidad son sin duda las ciudades”, afirma el historiador británico Ben Wilson (Londres, 1980), en conversación telemática desde su casa en las afueras de Londres.