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  1. Trusted by millions, Basecamp puts everything you need to get work done in one place. It’s the calm, organized way to manage projects, work with clients, and communicate company-wide.

  2. Software BaseCamp. Saca el máximo partido a tu próxima aventura o revive las rutas realizadas. Nuestro software gratuito BaseCamp te permite planificar actividades al aire libre, organizar tus datos y compartir tus aventuras con otras personas.

  3. Plan, track, and manage software projects with Basecamp to help your team coordinate efficiently, reduce time in meetings, and communicate effectively without spreading work across multiple apps. Try Basecamp for free

  4. Basecamp is essentially project management’s greatest hits — all simplified, refined, and integrated into an organized, easy-to-use platform. Click around below to see what it looks like, how it works, and how it can help you.

  5. Basecamp in your web browser. Basecamp works anywhere you’ve got a web browser and the internet. Laptop, phone, tablet, hotel lounge, school computer lab, etc. Log in to Basecamp.

  6. Basecamp 4 has landed, and it’s packed with NEW for 2024. A redesigned, simplified, customizable home screen puts relevancy front and center. Add your logo, pin and reorder your most important teams and projects at the top.

  7. Mastering Basecamp. These short videos will make you a Basecamp pro in no time. Want to learn Basecamp live? Sign up for an upcoming class.

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