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  1. 스니커즈. 여성. 옴므. 발망의 리듬을 따라가세요 #BALMAIN ! 파리지앵 하우스의 모든 최신 뉴스를 확인하고 발망의 새로운 트렌드, 컬렉션 또는 프로젝트를 놓치지 마세요. 그리고 다음번 주문 시 무료 빠른배송 혜택도 누리세요. 성별 *. 여성. 남성.

  2. Die Marke Balmain kreiert gewagte Kleidungsstücke für den Mann und die Frau von heute. Diese regelrechten Kunstwerke warten mit strukturierten Silhouetten, raffiniertem Know-how und Details auf, die von der Exzellenz des Hauses zeugen: außergewöhnliche Lederverarbeitung, tadellose Schneiderarbeit und triumphale Goldakzente.

  3. BALMAIN CULTURE. Balmain’s exclusive collection of clothing and accessories is the passport to a world of exquisite elegance and glamor, straight from the most prestigious catwalks in Paris. This selection of luxury garments is the product of incredibly talented creative work based upon persistent and meticulous attention to detail.

  4. BALMAIN CULTURE. Balmain’s exclusive collection of clothing and accessories is the passport to a world of exquisite elegance and glamor, straight from the most prestigious catwalks in Paris. This selection of luxury garments is the product of incredibly talented creative work based upon persistent and meticulous attention to detail.

  5. Sito ufficiale Balmain | Abbigliamento, borse e accessori firmati. BALMAIN CULTURE. Fondata nel 1945 da Pierre Balmain, l’omonima Maison parigina si è costruita una reputazione infrangendo le regole di una moda fino ad allora basata sulla funzionalità e proponendo capi eleganti e femminili dalla vita aderente e dai ricami sontuosi.

  6. BALMAIN CULTURE. Balmain’s exclusive collection of clothing and accessories is the passport to a world of exquisite elegance and glamor, straight from the most prestigious catwalks in Paris. This selection of luxury garments is the product of incredibly talented creative work based upon persistent and meticulous attention to detail.

  7. BALMAIN CULTURE. Balmain’s exclusive collection of clothing and accessories is the passport to a world of exquisite elegance and glamor, straight from the most prestigious catwalks in Paris. This selection of luxury garments is the product of incredibly talented creative work based upon persistent and meticulous attention to detail.

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