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  1. Béla Bartók was born in the Hungarian town of Nagyszentmiklós (now Sînnicolau Mare in Romania) on 25 March 1881, and received his first instruction in music from his mother, a very capable pianist; his father, the headmaster of a local school, was also musical.

  2. › composer › Béla+BartókBéla Bartók: Biography

    Béla Bartók was born in the Hungarian town of Nagyszentmiklós (now Sînnicolau Mare in Romania) on 25 March 1881, and received his first instruction in music from his mother, a very capable pianist; his father, the headmaster of a local school, was also musical.

  3. Béla Bartók (* 25. marec 1881, Nagyszentmiklós, Rakúsko-Uhorsko – † 26. september 1945, New York, New York, USA), bol svetovo známy maďarský hudobný skladateľ, jeden z najoriginálnejších a najprínosnejších predstaviteľov hudby 20. storočia.Svetový význam získal nielen ako skladateľ, ale zároveň ako výborný klavirista a uznávaný hudobný vedec - etnomuzikológ.

  4. Béla Bartók. Béla Viktor János Bartók (n. 25 martie 1881, Sânnicolau Mare, Austro-Ungaria – d. 26 septembrie 1945, New York City, New York, SUA) a fost un compozitor și pianist maghiar, unul din reprezentanții de seamă ai muzicii moderne. Considerat cate odată cel mai important compozitor maghiar.

  5. Discovering The Great Composers - Béla Bartók. A reluctant revolutionary who tried to adapt the natural rhythms and phrasing of ancient Hungarian folksongs to mainstream classical music, or a subversive reactionary who all but brought the Western tradition to its knees? Whatever your opinion, there has never been another composer like Béla ...

  6. Béla Bartók (hongarès: Bartók Béla) (Sânnicolau Mare, 25 de març de 1881 - Nova York, 26 de setembre de 1945) (IPA: ˈbeːlɒ ˈbɒrtoːk), fou un compositor i pianista hongarès, considerat, amb Zoltán Kodály, el compositor hongarès més important del segle xx.Per les seves investigacions sobre la música folklòrica, Bartók es considera un dels fundadors de l'etnomusicologia, l ...

  7. Béla Bartók Compositor húngaro Nació el 25 de marzo de 1881 en Nagyszentmiklós, Hungría. Cursó estudios en Presburgo y en Budapest, donde enseñó piano en la Real Academia de Música (1907-1934) y trabajó en la Academia de Ciencias (1934-1940). Muy influenciado en sus inicios por Franz Liszt, Richard Wagner y Richard Strauss.

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