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  1. 13 de mar. de 2011 · Lunatic asylum is a very old term for a hospital for the mentally ill. Inmates means the people living in a place especially involuntarily - prison inmates for example. I can't think of any other acceptable use of inmates these days. Many sources say that Charlie Chaplin said it when the Actors took over the running of the studios.

  2. 20 de dic. de 2019 · British English. Dec 20, 2019. #10. It is clear from that link that "he claimed political asylum" uses "claim" to mean "demand", and that the meaning relates only to something that "he" believes to be an entitlement or legal right. There's no implication that he has or will obtain asylum. R.

  3. 18 de dic. de 2008 · A person with refugee or asylum status who wishes to travel outside the United States needs a Refugee Travel Document in order to return to the United States. In most cases, a refugee or asylee may use the Refugee Travel Document for travel in place of a passport. The Refugee Travel Document is similar in appearance to a U.S. passport.

  4. 11 de mar. de 2021 · Brazilian Portuguese. Mar 11, 2021. #1. Hello everyone, The Wordreference English - Portuguese dictionary says ''mental hospital'' meaning ''psychiatric hospital'' is dated. And I think ''psychiatric hospital'' is a bit too direct and formal for every day colloquial language. After searching Google - USA, I found " mental health hospital '' in ...

  5. 1 de sept. de 2010 · You belong in an insane asylum. = Deberías estar confinado en un manicomio. You belong on a magazine cover. = Deberías estar en la portada de una revista. You belong by my side. = Tu sitio es a mi lado. La canción infantil, con la melodía de "Cumpleaños feliz", es: Happy birthday to you, you belong in a zoo.

  6. 1 de nov. de 2022 · block-booking n. (a) (see quot. 1925); (b) the booking of a block of reservations. 1925 Weekly Westm. 29 Aug. 444/3 Block-booking is the system whereby American producers refuse to let the English exhibitors have one important film unless they take also a ‘block’ of others, which they may never have seen.

  7. 27 de dic. de 2012 · Persona que solicita asilo: Someone in the country of destination who has requested asylum status and is waiting for processing of their application. In English: Asylum-seeker Asilado: Someone whose request for asylum status was made in the country of destination and whose request has been approved. In English: Asylee

  8. 25 de sept. de 2017 · Source: Assault on Arkham (2014), animated superhero film. A Gotham Cop is returning Harley Quinn (a bit insane woman) back to Arkham Asylum (psychiatric hospital). Guard at the Asylum: I'm in the middle of lunch, now I gotta process this dizzy dame? Harley: Crazy, huh? What exactly does she...

  9. 25 de jul. de 2017 · Jul 25, 2017. #3. Yes. The person has no choice - they are forced "by legal authority". It is in the dictionary with that meaning: commit - Dictionary of English. to send (someone) to a prison or mental institution by legal authority: He was committed to an institution for the criminally insane.

  10. 22 de ago. de 2024 · Aug 22, 2024. #3. lamonalisaazteca said: IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the respondent’s application for asylum be denied. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the respondent be removed from the United States to El Salvador, or in the alternative to Mexico, on the charges contained in the Notice to Appear. Por mi parte ofrezco:

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