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  1. Traducción de "as you said" en español. como dijiste como usted ha dicho como usted dijo como has dicho como dijo como ha dicho usted como dices como tú dijiste como usted dice. como decías. Mostrar más. The people are turning from all countries just as you said. El pueblo está regresando de todas las tierras, tal como dijiste.

  2. 24 de dic. de 2014 · I usually use "as you mentioned EARLIER..." so i usually use it with past tenses. I use "as you said" in the present tense (example: as you just said, that will lead us to the same conclusion) Mentioned is used with things like e-mails, speeches, etc...(as you mentioned in your e-mail/speech) and Mentioned is more formal and professional

  3. Traducción. Como dijiste. As You Said. Vayamos a donde está limpio. Let's go down to where it's clean. Para ver el tiempo que pudo haber sido. To see the time that might have been. Las mareas se han llevado de la playa. The tides have carried off the beach. Como usted ha dicho. As you said, El sol está fuera de su alcance. The sun is out of reach.

  4. "as you said" is a perfectly correct and usable phrase in written English. It can be used to refer to something that someone else has said earlier. For example, "I understand why you're upset, as you said, it's been a difficult year.".

  5. Inglés. Español. as you say adv. (I agree that) tal como dices loc adv. As you say, that spaghetti is delicious! ⓘ. Esta oración no es una traducción de la original. Es tal como dices, me has sacado las palabras de la boca.

  6. RegDwigнt. 97.3k 40 310 404. asked Dec 4, 2013 at 15:07. janie. 321 2 3 9. Add a comment. 2 Answers. Sorted by: 4. Like I said is much more informal than As I said, but the former isn't ungrammatical. In formal writing you may prefer to use as, but in speech or less formal writing like is fine. Share. Improve this answer.

  7. Traduce as you said. Ver traducciones en inglés y español con pronunciaciones de audio, ejemplos y traducciones palabra por palabra.