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  1. Anthony Katagas (born January 28, 1971) is an American film producer. He is an alumnus of Western New England University in Springfield, Massachusetts, where he majored in government and was captain of the lacrosse team as a goalie. He also represented Greece at the 2018 World Lacrosse Championship. [1][2]

  2. Anthony Katagas is one of the most prolific producers working in American independent film. Winner of the Academy Award for Best Picture for his role in producing "12 Years a Slave," he has produced nearly 35 films in the last twelve years.

  3. Anthony Katagas is one of the most prolific producers working in American independent film. Winner of the Academy Award for Best Picture for his role in producing "12 Years a Slave," he has produced nearly 35 films in the last twelve years.

  4. Descubre todas las series de la filmografía de Anthony Katagas. De sus inicios hasta el final de sus 21 años de carrera.

  5. › personas › anthony-katagasAnthony Katagas - eCartelera

    Información. Nombre completo: Anthony Katagas. Lugar: Nueva York. País: Anthony Katagas lleva en activo 14 años, a lo largo de los cuales ha participado en 21 películas que promedian una nota...

  6. 11 de mar. de 2014 · Will Smith presents producers Brad Pitt, Dede Gardner, Jeremy Kleiner, Steve McQueen and Anthony Katagas with the Oscar for Best Picture for 12 Years a Slave at the 86th Academy Awards.

  7. 11 de ene. de 2023 · Both Gray and his longtime producer Anthony Katagas also talk about the importance of making movies for the big screen, and the current marketplace between event films and smaller titles.