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  1. 圣·文森特(St.Vincent),本名安妮·克拉克(Annie Clark),1982年9月28日出生于美国俄克拉荷马州塔尔萨,美国女歌手。 网页 新闻 贴吧 知道 网盘 图片 视频 地图 文库 资讯 采购 百科

  2. St. Vincent, pseudonimo di Anne Erin Clark, detta Annie (Tulsa, 28 settembre 1982), è una cantautrice, compositrice e polistrumentista statunitense.. Ha iniziato la sua carriera musicale come membro della The Polyphonic Spree.Ha successivamente fatto parte della band di Sufjan Stevens, prima di iniziare la propria carriera da solista nel 2006.. Il suo album di esordio, Marry Me (2007), molto ...

  3. 20 de sept. de 2017 · Annie Clark asks me, her eyelids growing heavy over her inquisitive doe eyes. ... Clark, who at 34 has been performing as St. Vincent for the last decade, deserves a moment of rest.

  4. アニー・エリン・クラーク(英: Annie Erin Clark 、1982年 9月28日 - )は、セイント・ヴィンセント(英: St. Vincent )名義で活動するアメリカの女性シンガーソングライター。 ニューヨーク・ブルックリンを拠点に活動。. バークリー音楽院を中退後、ポリフォニック・スプリーやスフィアン ...

  5. 4 de mar. de 2021 · St. Vincent’s Family Ties. With her new album, Annie Clark finally comes to terms with her father's white-collar prison experience — all thanks to the healing power of Seventies rock. One of ...

  6. St. Vincent, de son vrai nom Annie Clark, née le 28 septembre 1982 à Tulsa , est une auteure-compositrice-interprète et guitariste américaine. Biographie Carrière. En tant que guitariste, elle officie d'abord au sein des ...

  7. ABOUT ANNI. Maine native Anni Clark traveled full time for 23 years with her 6 and 12 string guitars, her own songs and her passion for connecting with audiences of all ages. With 7 albums and numerous songwriting, vocal and performance awards under her belt, she chose to work with behaviorally challenged students for 12 years, retiring from ...

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