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Angels in Exile: Durban's street children facing the constant threat of violence, rape, trafficking abductions and death Available on iTunes:
Estrenada el 25/05/2016, protagonizada por Charlize Theron, Bill Raftery. Descubre dónde ver esta película, tráiler, vídeos, resumen o sinopsis y mucho más, en La Vanguardia.
Angels in Exile película dirigida por Billy Raftery y protagonizada por Billy Raftery y Charlize Theron. Año: 2016. Sinopsis: Dos niños sin hogar intentan escapar de las peligrosas calles de Durban, Sudáfrica.
‘Angels In Exile’ challenges viewers to look past the violent and often graphic image of homeless youth and see them for what they are… children.
Angels in Exile: Dirigido por Billy Raftery. Con Billy Raftery, Charlize Theron. Two homeless children attempt to escape the dangerous streets of Durban, South Africa.
1 de abr. de 2016 · Duration: 1 hour 17 minutes. Availability: Worldwide. Angels in Exile: Durban's street children facing the constant threat of violence, rape, trafficking abductions and death. Available on iTunes: Watch on Google Play.
‘Angels In Exile’ challenges viewers to look past the violent and often graphic image of homeless youth and see them for what they are… children.