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  1. Biografía, filmografía y premios de la actriz estadounidense Amy Irving, nominada al Óscar por Yentl. Conoce sus papeles en Carrie, The Fury, Crossing Delancey y otras películas.

  2. › wiki › Amy_IrvingAmy Irving - Wikipedia

    Amy Irving is an American actress and singer, who worked in film, stage, and television. She was nominated for an Oscar for Yentl (1983) and appeared in Carrie (1976), Traffic (2000), and Unsane (2018).

  3. › name › nm0001388Amy Irving - IMDb

    Amy Irving is an actress, producer and singer who has worked in theater, film and TV. She is known for her roles in Carrie, Yentl, Traffic and Crossing Delancey, among others.

  4. Amy Irving is an American actress and singer who has worked in film, stage, and television. She was nominated for an Oscar for Yentl (1983) and appeared in Carrie (1976), Traffic (2000), and Unsane (2018).

  5. › @amyirvingofficialAmy Irving - YouTube

    Amy Irving. •. 14K views 1 year ago. From BORN IN A TRUNK by Amy Irving - available digitally 4/7/23 - "Why Don't You Do Right" the first single from the album available now Directed by...

  6. 1,452 Followers, 679 Following, 183 Posts - Amy Irving (@amyirvingofficial) on Instagram: "Actress/Singer — “Born In A Trunk” OUT NOW — Link⬇️"

  7. Actriz norteamericana, nominada al Oscar por Yentl, que debutó en Carrie y trabajó con Spielberg. Conoce su trayectoria en cine, teatro y música, así como su vida personal y familiar.

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