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  1. What are the advantages of traveling by airplane? What are the disadvantages? Do you know someone who is afraid of flying in an airplane? What questions should you ask when buying airplane tickets? What is a group rate? What is a charter flight? What arrangements should you make for pick-up at the airport? What things can you see in an airport?

  2. 2 de jul. de 1980 · 空前绝后满天飞的剧情简介 · · · · · ·. 前飞行员Ted Striker (罗伯特·海斯 Robert Hays 饰)在一场战争中有了心理阴影,对飞行有恐惧。. 他的女友Elaine Dickinson (朱丽·哈基提 Julie Hagerty饰)却是个空姐。. 这天,Elaine跟Ted提出了分手,之后便上飞机上班 去了 ...

  3. aircraft泛指飞行器,连热气球也可以算,而airplane特指有动力驱动的,带有固定机翼的飞机,比如各种民航客机和其他传统意义上的普通飞机。 无人机的正式说法为UAV,即Unmanned Aerial Vehicle,一般被叫做drone。

  4. plane较通俗用词。. jet指 喷气式飞机,也用jet plane。. helicopter指直升飞机。. aircraft、airplane、plane用法上有什么区别?. 在英语中,aircraft,指的是飞行器,飞机、飞艇都可以是它。. airplane,专指普通飞机。. plane,主要就单指飞机。. 英语学习的方法。. 1 学习英语 ...

  5. Paper Airplane Game. Level: Any Level. Draw a target (with points - like a dart board) on the white board or use a cardboard box in the middle of the room. Then, students make paper airplanes and launch them after they answer your question in the form of a sentence. I don't except my beginners/low intermediate students to form complete sentence ...

  6. aeroplane和airplane专指普通飞机,不包括helicopter (直升飞机)。. aeroplane为英国英语的拼法。. 【airplane】为美国英语的用词。. 【aircraft】常用作集体名词,也可指一架飞机,其含义包括直升飞机和飞艇等。. 【plane】本义为“平面”,在航空专业里通常用aeroplane ...

  7. How much luggage do you usually carry? If you traveled to South America, what countries would like to visit? If you went to ___ (Insert a country name)__, what kind of souvenirs would you buy? If you were going on a camping trip for a week, what 10 things would you bring?

  8. 1 de jul. de 2014 · aeroplane和airplane的区别都是一个意思,飞机的意思.从历史的角度讲,它们是一个词不同的形式.最初是aeroplane,aero是词根plane的前缀,表示空气的空中的.后来人们用复合词的方式,把air和plane组合到了一起,air就直接

  9. Airplane Announcements in Movies Announcement Element / Example. Greeting Passengers of flight 111. Ladies and Gentlemen. Good morning. Speaker identification This is First Officer Dulaney. This is the Navigator speaking. Description of flight event We are expecting a little turbulence. We are just passing by Mount Fuji. We have reached altitude.

  10. airplane跟aeroplane差不多,只不过是美语里面的。. aircraft是飞机, 航空器,,飞行器,也就是说一些乱七八糟的不知名的飞行机器都叫aircraft。. plane和aeroplane意思一样,只是简写罢了。. jet多指喷气式飞机。. helicopter是直升飞机。. aeroplane,airplane,aircraft,plane,jet ...

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