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A Goofy Movie is a 1995 American animated musical comedy-adventure film produced by Disney MovieToons and Walt Disney Television Animation. Directed by Kevin Lima, the film is based on The Disney Afternoon television series Goof Troop created by Robert Taylor and Michael Peraza Jr., and serves as a standalone follow-up to the show.
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A Goofy Movie (conocida en Hispanoamérica como Goofy, la película y en España como Goofy e hijo) es una película de aventuras y comedia musical animada estadounidense de 1995 producida por DisneyMovie Toons y Disney Television Animation.
A Goofy Movie The lovable Goof bonds with his teenage son Max on a hilarious cross-country road trip. En route to the ol' fishing hole, they find themselves up to their floppy ears in misadventure, action-packed situations, narrow escapes—and even a comic close encounter with Bigfoot.
A Goofy Movie: Directed by Kevin Lima. With Bill Farmer, Jason Marsden, Jim Cummings, Kellie Martin. When Max makes a preposterous promise to a girl he has a crush on, his chances to fulfilling it seem hopeless when he is dragged onto a cross-country trip with his embarrassing father, Goofy.
7 de mar. de 2017 · De «Stand Out» a «I 2 I» y cualquier otra referencia cultural en la mitad, no es una locura pensar que los millennials negros vieron A Goofy Movie y sintieron esa conexión.
Max's trouble at school convinces Goofy that he and the boy need to bond over a cross-country fishing trip like the one he took with his dad...