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  1. 22 de sept. de 2009 · 41. Looks like the ASCII code for Carriage Return, encoded as an XML character reference. Numerical character references refer to character of Unicode’s character set and not ASCII’s. (Although the first 128 character of Unicode’s and ASCII’s character set is identical.) I've filtered it out...But the thing is that i forgot if i pass it ...

  2. 19 de jun. de 2014 · case 13: $.keynav.activate(); break; The key variable in this switch is either e.which or e.keyCode. Those two are deprecated, so you should use e.key instead, which will also make your code more readable by turning those numbers into descriptive strings: ArrayUp, ArrowRight, ArrowDown, ArrowLeft and Enter.

  3. 12 de oct. de 2009 · CR - ASCII code 13. LF - ASCII code 10. Theoretically, CR returns the cursor to the first position (on the left). LF feeds one line, moving the cursor one line down. This is how in the old days you controlled printers and text-mode monitors. These characters are usually used to mark end of lines in text files.

  4. 16 de jul. de 2020 · 10. Your user don't have the right permissions to read the file, since you used open() without specifying a mode. Since you're using Windows, you should read a little more about File and Folder Permissions. Also, if you want to play with your file permissions, you should right-click it, choose Properties and select Security tab.

  5. El operador % se le llama el operador de módulo. Una buena definición sencilla se puede encontrar en la documentación para este operador en C#: El operador de % calcula el resto después de dividir el primer operando por el segundo. Por ejemplo, digamos que estás calculando la división siguiente: 10 ÷ 3.

  6. UPDATE: 2024 The new docs introduced a new resource for version compatibility. Alternatively you can navigate to compatibility versions by using ngvm, e.g: npx -y ngvm compat. Since April 2023 Angular docs provide a table of compatible versions: Angular CLI version. Angular version. Node.js version. TypeScript version.

  7. @JustusEapen: I don't know how I feel about that. I don't think the proper answer to OP's question is a manual on basic computer hygiene, including "don't run shady code with superuser permissions" and "brush your teeth regularly".

  8. For Upgrading Node.js to the latest version. sudo n latest. If you need to do Undo then follow the command. sudo apt-get install --reinstall nodejs-legacy # fix /usr/bin/node. sudo n rm 6.0.0 # replace number with version of Node that was installed. sudo npm uninstall -g n.

  9. 13 If your local jdk version is 11 or 9, 10, and your project's java source/target version is 1.8, and you are using org.projectlombok:lombok package, then you can try to update its version to 1.16.22 or 1.18.12, like this:

  10. 17 de ene. de 2018 · Lo solucione borrando la línea y compilando de nuevo el proyecto. Te dejo capturas de lo que hice. Este es el archivo que debes modificar. Este es el contenido del archivo. En mi caso esta es la línea que debo eliminar. La eliminas, guardas los cambios y compilas de nuevo el proyecto. Espero te sirva.

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