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  1. Human-in-the-loop allows the user to change the outcome of an event or process. The immersion effectively contributes to a positive transfer of acquired skills into the real world. This can be demonstrated by trainees utilizing flight simulators in preparation to become pilots.

  2. Human-in-the-loop es una metodología o proceso utilizado por la inteligencia artificial para la creación de un aprendizaje automático basado en la mejora continua. El modelo se basa en conjugar la capacidad de la máquina con la inteligencia humana a través de interacciones que ayudan a retroalimentar al modelo de aprendizaje automatizado.

  3. 17 de ago. de 2022 · This paper reviews the different approaches to human-in-the-loop machine learning (HITL-ML), which involves various types of interactions between humans and ML algorithms. It provides definitions, boundaries, and connections between active learning, interactive machine learning, machine teaching, curriculum learning, explainable AI, usable AI, and useful AI.

  4. 9 de ene. de 2024 · ¿Qué es human-in-the-loop? A menudo se denomina Human-in-the-loop (HITL) a un mecanismo que aprovecha la interacción humana para entrenar, afinar o probar determinados sistemas, como los modelos de IA o las máquinas, para obtener los resultados más precisos posibles.

  5. 2 de ago. de 2021 · This paper reviews existing works on human-in-the-loop, a method to train machine learning models with human involvement. It categorizes human-in-the-loop approaches into three types and discusses their applications and challenges in natural language processing, computer vision, and others.

  6. 1 de dic. de 2021 · Human-in-the-loop is a branch of AI that brings together AI and human intelligence to create machine learning models. Learn how human-in-the-loop can enhance and expand AI capabilities, improve accuracy and avoid bias in high-risk use cases and industries.

  7. 20 de oct. de 2019 · How can we design AI systems that respect and enhance human creativity and expression? Ge Wang, a Stanford professor and musician, explores the challenges and opportunities of interactive AI for music and other arts.