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  1. › uploads › 2/3/3FUTURE SIMPLE - WILL

    Future Simple con will es el futuro en inglés que permite expresar decisiones espontáneas sobre acciones futuras, predicciones o acontecimientos futuros que no puede alterarse. Se forma con el verbo auxiliar will y el infinitivo del verbo principal. En esta lección de gramática aprenderás las reglas de formación y el uso del futuro

  2. 3-Minute English Grammar Lesson: Introduction to Future Tense with Will. Use this video in-class to supplement your lesson. Alternatively, consider sending the video link to your learners for a "flipped" class or for remote learning.

  3. Future simple exercises + PDF worksheets. PDF exercises to download for free: Future simple (will) PDF exercise 1. Key with answers 1. Complete sentences and keep the same meaning. Future simple (will) PDF exercise 2. Key with answers 2. Complete sentences with the verbs in the box.

  4. 1. The movie ___________ start soon. Let’s find a seat and sit down. 2. A: ___________ your friend be at the party? B: Yes, she ___________. 3. Hello. Mr. Smith? This is Peter. I ___________ be at work today because I’m sick. 4. Those bags look heavy. Let me help. I ___________ carry the big one for you. 5.

  5. Will – future predictions We can use will to make predictions about the future. 1. True or false? Read and circle true or false for these sentences. a. He thinks the future will be different. true false b. He thinks people will drive normal cars. true false c. He thinks children will have a human teacher. true false d.

  6. Future: worksheets, handouts, printable exercises pdf. Future simple - future continuous - future perfect: elementary and intermediate level . esl

  7. En inglés el futuro puede se expresa con varios tiempos verbales, dependiendo de si nos referimos a un plan futuro muy seguro, a una decisión espontánea, a una predicción, etcétera. A continuación se explican estos verbos modales: WILL. Para hablar de algo que probablemente ocurrirá en el futuro. Ejemplo: He won’t come tonight. He has to study.