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  1. Transverse section of Kalanchoë laciniata – air-exchange chamber; leaf. Light micrograph: – epidermis; ep ach me – mesophyll cells; T – tannin cells; VB – vascular bundles; a rrow – stoma.

  2. 1 de jun. de 2012 · In general, Crassulaceae characterized anatomically by the presence of sandy crystals in some members, leaf structure is as a rule, centric or intermediate between bifacial and centric in structure, palisade tissue is rarely present ( Metcalfe and Chalk, 1950 ).

  3. In the transverse section, Kalanchoe stems were clearly differentiated into a thick epidermis with a cuticular layer, a broad cortex, a thin pericycle, numerous collateral vascular bundles ...

  4. Transverse sections of terete leaves. A, B, Leaf blade with central and lateral vascular bundles in Hoya retusa Warb. (A) and Anacampseros papyracea Fenzl (B). All vascular bundles have xylem cells oriented toward the adaxial side and phloem cells oriented toward the abaxial side.

  5. 1 de oct. de 2012 · In the transverse section, Kalanchoe stems were clearly differentiated into a thick epidermis with a cuticular layer, a broad cortex, a thin pericycle, numerous collateral vascular bundles ...

  6. 1 de feb. de 2021 · Leaf surface anatomy of the Crassula species examined. For each species, surface appearance, transverse section of fresh material and detailed transverse section of fixed material are shown (top to bottom).

  7. 1 de jun. de 2012 · In the transverse section, Kalanchoe stems were clearly differentiated into a thick epidermis with a cuticular layer, a broad cortex, a thin pericycle, numerous collateral vascular bundles ...