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  1. Argumento. La película se desarrolla en Persia en el siglo V a. C. Después de que la esposa del rey es asesinada, Ester (una mujer judía) llama la atención del recientemente viudo rey Asuero. El rey ha estado tratando de sofocar y derrotar la campaña de odio contra los judíos por su malvado ministro Amán (Sergio Fantoni).

  2. Esther and the King (Italian: Ester e il re) is a 1960 religious epic film produced and directed by Raoul Walsh and starring Joan Collins as Esther, Richard Egan as Ahasuerus, and Denis O'Dea as Mordecai. Walsh and Michael Elkins wrote the screenplay, which was based on the Book of Esther of the Hebrew Bible and the Old Testament.

  3. › wiki › EstherEsther - Wikipedia

    Esther, originally Hadassah, is the eponymous heroine of the Book of Esther in the Hebrew Bible. According to the biblical narrative, which is set in the Achaemenid Empire, the Persian king Ahasuerus falls in love with Esther and marries her.

  4. Esther and the King es una película épica italoestadounidense de 1960 dirigida, escrita, y producida por Raoul Walsh. Fue producida en Cinemascope y DeLuxe Color, producida y distribuida por 20th Century Fox, y protagonizada por Joan Collins.

  5. Biblia. Sinopsis. Cuando Asuero, el poderoso rey del imperio persa, regresa de una batalla contra los egipcios descubre que ha sido traicionado por su esposa. No sospecha de Amán, su primer ministro, porque ignora que pretende arrebatarle la corona. Fingiendo lealtad al monarca, Amán le aconseja elegir una nueva reina.

  6. The story takes place during the reign of King Ahasuerus in the First Persian Empire. Queen Vashti, the wife of King Ahasuerus, is banished from the court for disobeying the king's orders. To find a new queen, a beauty pageant is held and Esther, a young Jewish woman living in Persia, is chosen as the new queen.

  7. Esther and the King (Italian: Ester e il re) is a 1960 American Italian romantic drama movie directed by Raoul Walsh and starring Joan Collins, Richard Egan, Denis O'Dea. Raoul Walsh and Michael Elkins wrote the screenplay, which was based on the Book of Esther of the Hebrew Bible and the Old Testament .