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  1. Leonardo DiCaprio's body has transformed over the years, uncovering the interplay between his acting, personal choices, and the effects of time. Here's an inside look at the fascinating journey of a Hollywood legend and how his weight has fluctuated throughout the years...

  2. In his younger years, the fully developed vertebrae (posture) and muscles/muscle mass were obvious, but have become more debatable as he has aged. He recently joked about having a “dad bod”. Science recognizes that one pound of muscle burns six calories per day, but one pound of skinny fat/fat only burns two to three calories.

  3. Leonardo DiCaprio ya tiene más de 40 años, pero es imposible no ver sus fotos de cuando era joven y suspirar por el hombre de quienes muchos se enamoraron a fines de los 90. Además de una cara bonita, era un excelente actor, similar a Brad Pitt o a Johnny Depp.

  4. He was clearly cute as a young one, something he had just because he was young. He didn’t have great facial structure, so once the cute factor left, and gained weigh and wrinkles, it’s all gone. He’s also bloated.

  5. According to Pop Workouts, Leo added 15-pounds of muscle to his frame, which was a major change compared to his previous look. Workouts were basic and to the point, according to his trainer Gregory Roche, it featured stretching, conditioning to stay lean, and muscle building.

  6. Leonardo DiCaprios workout is under the supervision of his personal trainer Gregory Joujon Roche. Instead of relying on the high-intensity workout, his personal trainer tells him to do all forms of exercise such as fat burning exercises, strength training, cardio, yoga, and interval training.

  7. Leonardo DiCaprios workout schedule comprises 6 days of training in which he performs prison-style workouts (that include bodyweight movements) three times a week. On the rest of the days, he resorts to performing cardio, yoga, martial arts, and circuit training.