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  1. SportFishing Perú | Tienda de pesca en Lima y Tacna. Cañas para diversas modalidades de pesca y todos los tamaños. Carretes de gama media y alta con las mejores prestaciones para los pescadores más exigentes. Del tipo MINNOW para pesca de predadores como corvinas, lenguados, robalos y más.

  2. Go Fishing Perú, is a local fishing charter that does both english and spanish private guided fishing tours around the Coast, Andes and Jungle of Perú, with the needed knowledge of the best fishing spots in the country!

  3. Ica es un gran lugar para practicar la pesca en agua salada, la zona ofrece una gran variedad de peces y fauna marina. El clima y el paisaje de la costa peruana nos permitirán tener un gran tour de aventura mientras practicamos este gran deporte.

  4. Fishing In Peru: Best 5 Spots. From the north to the south of Peru, its coastline stretches over 2500km (1500miles) and although the lands along the coast are often arid or even plain desert, its waters are teaming with life. The Pacific seems like an obvious choice, but fishing in Peru doesn’t end there.

  5. Caballitos de totora are small reed boats used for coastal fishing in Peru, their design originating in Peru’s far distant past.

  6. We will explore different fishing spots along the coastline all day long just stopping for a lunch break where you will be able to learn how to make a delicious traditional ceviche from your freshly caught fish. EQUIPMENT: This trip is for spinning and surfcasting shore fishing (wader is needed).

  7. Ica is a great place to practice salt water fishing, the area provides a variety of fish and sea fauna. The climate and Peruvian coast landscape will allow us to have a great adventurer tour while practicing this great sport. The fishing season starts early May and ends in December.

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