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  1. La Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura, ONUAA, o más conocida como FAO (por sus siglas en inglés: Food and Agriculture Organization), es un organismo especializado de la ONU que dirige las actividades internacionales encaminadas a erradicar el hambre.

  2. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations that leads international efforts to defeat hunger and improve nutrition and food security.

  3. This paper includes a synopsis of the current status of millets worldwide and was created to inspire policymakers, farmers, civil society, opinion leaders, research and development agents, and the general public to reconsider the role of millets in diversified and healthy diets.

  4. FFS are community-based educational initiatives that promote sustainable agriculture practices and empower farmers to improve their skills and knowledge. In Afghanistan, with support from @FAO and @USAID, these schools implement on-the-job training to farmers planting similar crops in the same area.

  5. 16 de feb. de 2024 · FAOFood and Agriculture Organization — a United Nations specialized agency, and part of the United Nations Economic and Social Council. Subcategories. This category has the following 28 subcategories, out of 28 total. 1981 World Food Day 200 lire ‎ (5 F)

  6. 联合国粮食及农业组织Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations,FAO)简称“粮农组织”,于1945年10月16日正式成立,是 联合国 系统内最早的常设专门机构,是各成员国间讨论粮食和农业问题的国际组织。 其宗旨是提高人民的 营养水平 和 生活标准 ,改进农产品的生产和分配,改善农村和农民的 经济状况 ,促进 世界经济 的发展并保证人类免于饥饿。 组织总部在 意大利 罗马 ,现成员共有194个成员国、1个成员组织( 欧洲联盟 )和2个 准成员 ( 法罗群岛 、 托克劳群岛 )。 1943年5月根据美国时任总统 罗斯福 的倡议,在美国召开有44个国家参加的粮农会议,决定成立粮农组织筹委会,拟定粮农组织章程。

  7. 8 de may. de 2012 · Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Format : .EPS, .PDF. Author : Total Views : 203.