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  1. Fortress. Fortresses were the military and economic center of the largest orcish and Horde cities during their wars against humans and the Alliance. This has changed, for they are now rare and the modern Horde seems to favor large towers or barracks as hub for their towns.

  2. Angor Fortress is the main site of operations of the Dark Iron dwarves in the Badlands. Here, they organize their exploration for exploiting Uldaman. An agent of Ragnaros, Ambassador Infernus, also resides in this keep.

  3. La fortaleza es la versión reforzada de un bastión orco. Como centro económico y militar de las ciudades más grandes de los orcos, estas estructuras pueden contener y procesar todo el oro y la madera que los peones recogen.

  4. Fortresses were the military and economic center of the largest orcish and Horde cities during their wars against humans and the Alliance. This has changed, for they are now rare and the modern Horde seems to favor large towers or barracks as hub for their towns.

  5. Krom'gar Fortress, the main base of the Krom'gar, is a Horde base built within Windshear Crag, opposite the new Alliance town of Windshear Hold in Stonetalon Mountains. Below the Fortress at the base of the cliff is the Horde entrance to the Deep Reaches.

  6. › wiki › FortressFortress | WoWWiki - Fandom

    As the military and economic center of the largest Orc cities, the Fortress can hold and process all the gold and lumber that the Peons can be made to harvest. Protected by obsidian spires shaped from the earth itself, the Fortress is all but impervious to the attacks of the feeble Human forces.

  7. It's time for phase two - stealing a nexus crystal from a fortified ogre compound. We'll save the scroll to bring in reinforcements in our confrontation with the Gordunni Witch Lord. Let's meet at the base of the Gordal Foothills to head into the fortress proper.