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  1. Learn about the first of two revolutions in Russia in 1917 that ended the monarchy and led to the October Revolution and the Soviet Union. Find out the causes, events, and consequences of the February Revolution, also known as the March Revolution or the February Bourgeois Democratic Revolution.

  2. Learn about the first stage of the Russian Revolution of 1917, when the monarchy was overthrown and replaced by the Provisional Government. Explore the causes, events, and consequences of the February Revolution and its relation to the October Revolution and the Soviet Communist government.

  3. The February Revolution. A Soviet depiction of the tsar surrendering the crown – to workers and peasants. Nicholas II’s demise began in February 1917, after two-and-a-half years of total war and more than two decades of dissatisfaction with tsarist rule.

  4. Learn about the first of two revolutions that overthrew the Tsarist regime in Russia in 1917. Find out how food shortages, war failures and worker protests led to the abdication of Nicholas II and the formation of a provisional government.

  5. La Revolución de Febrero de 1917 en el Imperio ruso marcó la primera etapa de la Revolución rusa de 1917. Causó la abdicación del zar Nicolás II, puso fin a la monarquía rusa y llevó a la formación de un Gobierno provisional.

  6. Hace 6 días · Learn how the 1917 revolution in Petrograd (St. Petersburg) overthrew the autocracy of Nicholas II and led to the formation of a provisional government. Explore the causes, events, and consequences of the February Revolution and its role in the Russian Revolution.

  7. › revolución-rusa › revolución-de-febreroLa revolución de febrero

    La revolución de febrero. Una representación soviética del zar entregando la corona a los trabajadores y campesinos. La desaparición de Nicolás II comenzó en febrero de 1917, después de dos años y medio de guerra total y más de dos décadas de insatisfacción con el gobierno zarista.