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  1. 8 de mar. de 2024 · Judgment Day is the end of the world when Jesus Christ will judge every person who has lived and separate believers from non-believers, as is described throughout Scripture. Where is Judgment Day mentioned in the Bible and how will we be judged?

  2. 4 de ene. de 2022 · Judgment Day is the day of Gods final, ultimate judgment on sinful mankind. There are a number of passages in Scripture that refer to the final judgment after death at the end of time when everyone will stand before God and He will render final judgment on their lives.

  3. What is going to happen on Judgment Day? Everyone will be called to stand before God’s throne on the day of judgment, but it holds no fear for Christians.

  4. On Judgment Day, it will be known why God allowed evil to happen and how He made the most of it. The frequent questions will be definitively answered: Why does God allow so much injustice? Why do the bad ones seem to do well and the good ones fail?

  5. 10 de ene. de 2012 · When you stand before “the judgment seat of Christ” (2 Corinthians 5:10) to be judged “for what [you have] done in the body, whether good or evil,” God will open the file and lay out the tests with their grades. He will pull out all the “F’s” and put them in a pile.

  6. What happens on Judgment Day in Christianity? Judgment Day (sometimes called "The Final Judgment," "the day of the Lord," "Doomsday," or "the second coming of Jesus Christ") is the day that Jesus will judge humanity and destroy Earth and Heaven.

  7. 1 de mar. de 2021 · What Happens on Judgment Day? In Jude, verses 14-15, he described a horrific crisis to come, much like this earthquake, but infinitely more intense… the Lord’s judgment.