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  1. Viggo Mortensen studied Russian gangsters and their tattoos. Mortensen spent a lot of time with a Russian Mafia specialist, Gilly McKenzie (organised crime specialist for the UN) and also consulted a documentary on the subject called The Mark of Cain (2000).

  2. Nikolai Luzhin ( Viggo Mortensen ), nacido en Rusia, es el chófer de una de las familias más importantes del crimen organizado de Europa Oriental. La familia pertenece a la hermandad mafiosa Vory V Zakone. Encabezada por Semyon ( Armin Mueller-Stahl ), dueño de un lujoso restaurante ruso.

  3. 21 de sept. de 2007 · After Nikolai was accepted by the mafia bosses, he gets his stars tattooed. When he is in the public bath, the tattoos seem to be completely healed. However, when they are entering the baths, a slight redness is perceivable around the stars.

  4. Per the EP Production Notes, there were 43 tattoos on Viggo's body, ranging from fingernail-sized to one which covered most of his back. 12 of the tattoos are Russian sayings. Several encircled his wrists, ankles and fingers.

  5. 15 de sept. de 2022 · The tattoos etched into his skin say, for starters, that Nikolai had served time in a Siberian prison, and that he was formerly a thief — it's written all over him.

  6. The tattoos that he wore, according to the New York Daily News, were so realistic that diners in a Russian restaurant in London fell silent out of fear, until Mortensen revealed his identity and admitted the tattoos were for a film.

  7. 7 de ago. de 2008 · The most startling image in David Cronenberg's Eastern Promises occurs about half way through the movie when Viggo Mortensen takes off his clothes. And no, the warrior Aragon hasn't done a Raging Bull and gone to seed for his role as an unassuming Russian chauffeur to a London crime boss.