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  1. En el río Madre de Dios se han identificado más de 550 especies de peces, lo que lo convierte en uno de los ríos más diversos del mundo. Algunas de las especies más comunes incluyen el paiche, el dorado, la gamitana, el zúngaro y el bagre.

  2. 25 de ene. de 2024 · Several mammal inventories have been reported from the lowland Amazon of Madre de Dios, Peru, but few have been reported for the Las Piedras River. Here we present a list of mammal species...

  3. The area is home to a staggering variety of plant and animal species, including giant otters, capybaras, peccaries, tapirs, jaguars, caiman, 13 different species of monkeys, over 1000 species of birds and over 1300 species of butterflies.

  4. Discover the wildlife in Madre de Dios and explore the Amazon rainforest reserves of Tambopata and Manu on the World Wild Web to see giant otters and jaguar.

  5. They’re found in the coconut-sized seed pods that dangle from immense castaña trees, which can grow to more than 100 feet tall over the course of a millennium. These ancient trees require cross-pollination, don’t grow in plantations, and depend on wildlife to consume and disperse their seeds.

  6. Fauna de Madre de Dios. Tiene una enorme diversidad de Aves, tiene a las grandes especies de felinos sudamericanos (jaguar, tigrillo, puma), múltiples especies de lagartos, y otros reptiles como reptiles como la boa constrictora y la shushupe.

  7. Our study also showed that these abandoned mining ponds are being recolonized by species found in its tributary, the Madre de Dios River, even hosting higher species richness compared with nearby pristine lakes, considering its lower river hierarchy.