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  1. 20 de ago. de 2021 · In Viking law, the Holmgang was used to settle disputes through fierce combat, and to the victor go the spoils! Throughout their history, the Vikings were known as ferocious fighters, seafarers, raiders, and traders.

  2. Los vikingos tenían su propia versión de la ordalía, y se llamaba holmgang o holmganga. Se solía emplear cuando había un problema o una denuncia entre dos individuos. La holmgang consistía en un duelo a muerte, en un combate singular entre el ofendido y el ofensor.

  3. In medieval Scandinavia, the practice survived throughout the Viking Age in the form of the holmgang. An unusual variant, the marital duel, involved combat between a husband and wife, with the former physically handicapped in some way.

  4. Hólmgang and Einvigi: Scandinavian Forms of the Duel. Introduction - Honor and Feud. Honor redressed by violence. Among the Scandinavians of the Viking Age, honor was of paramount importance, both to the individual and to the family: "honor was a kind of equilibrium which a man could not allow to he disturbed.

  5. 21 de jun. de 2015 · Holmgang (A duel) was a common way of solving disputes and there were detailed rules for duels. If the duel took place near the coast a small islet, hulme or skerry was chosen, and inland duels took place at some secluded place.

  6. A dispute could also be settled by the holmgang, or duel, which was fought either to first blood or to death. If the dispute was taken to the Thing, the loser could be subjected to a fine, which would be paid to the injured party or to partial outlawry, which would last for three years or to complete outlawry as described above.

  7. Holmgang (en Nórdico antiguo e islandés moderno: hólmganga; en sueco: holmgång) era una forma de duelo practicado en la Era vikinga y principios de la Edad Media escandinava. Era una forma aceptada socialmente de resolver disputas.