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On 26 April 1986, the Number Four reactor at the Chornobyl Nuclear Power Plant in what then was the Soviet Union during improper testing at low-power, resulted in loss of control that led to an explosion and fire that demolished the reactor building and released large amounts of radiation into the atmosphere.
El 26 de abril de 1986, durante un ensayo inapropiado a baja potencia, en el reactor número cuatro de la central nuclear de Chornóbil, en la entonces Unión Soviética, se dio una pérdida de control que se tradujo en una explosión y un incendio a raíz de los cuales el edificio del reactor quedó destruido y se emitieron grandes cantidades de radiación a la atmósfera.
One may certainly visit the Chernobyl area, including even the exclusion zone, which is a 30 kilometre radius surrounding the plant, all of whose reactors are now closed. Although some of the radioactive isotopes released into the atmosphere still linger (such as Strontium-90 and Caesium-137), they are at tolerable exposure levels for limited periods of time.
6 de sept. de 2005 · Chernobyl had far greater impact; the accident imprinted itself on public consciousness as proof that nuclear safety was an oxymoron. Some countries decided to reduce or terminate further construction of nuclear facilities, and the expansion of nuclear capacity came to a near standstill.
Chernobyl’s Legacy: Health, Environmental and Socio-Economic Impacts Highlights of the Chernobyl Forum Studies Nearly 20 years after the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant (NPP), SHRSOH LQ WKH FRXQWULHV PRVW DIIHFWHG KDG \HW WR REWDLQ D FOHDU VFLHQWL¿F FRQVHQVXV
7 de sept. de 2005 · Although the Chernobyl accident occurred two decades ago, much controversy remains concerning its real impact. These proceedings present the findings and recommendations of the Chernobyl Forum and the discussions held during the international conference “Chernobyl: Looking Back to Go Forwards” held in Vienna in September 2005.
20 de may. de 2019 · For more than three decades Chernobyl has been a byword for the potential dangers of nuclear power. The world’s worst nuclear accident had a devastating effect on the surrounding area in what is now independent Ukraine and Belarus. But a generation on, nature and people have adapted in sometimes surprising ways.
Czarnobyl (2019) - Po wybuchu elektrowni jądrowej w Czarnobylu ratownicy poświęcają zdrowie i życie, by ratować Europę przed skutkami katastrofy.
profesor Leonid Ilyin titulado Chernobyl: Myths and Reality. La población de las zonas afectadas se enteró del suceso fundamentalmente por rumores y no por fuentes fidedignas. La primera evidencia del acci dente fuera del territorio de la URSS se obtuvo a partir de mediciones realizadas en los países nórdicos que
International Chernobyl Proyect: An Overview (El Proyecto Internacional de Chernobil: Una panorámica) y que ha sido publicado por el OIEA.* Contaminación ambiental Desde el comienzo fue evidente que no se podía esperar que esta evaluación internacional repitiera los esfuerzos realizados durante cuatro