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  1. 5 de jun. de 2008 · The epic story of the fall of the Inca Empire to Spanish conquistador Francisco Pizarro in the aftermath of a bloody civil war, and the recent discovery of the lost guerrilla capital of the Incas, Vilcabamba, by three American explorers.

  2. 16 de ago. de 2017 · The last days of the incas (Chinese version) Hardcover – August 16, 2017. by Kim MacQuarrie (Author), Forest Song Bookstore (Reader) See all formats and editions. Attn: This is a book written in Chinese or translated into Chinese.位于秘鲁境内神秘的印加古国一直吸引着众多人的目光,几百年来,印加城市比尔卡班巴的传说一直深藏在过去的西班牙编年史中。 金¡¤麦夸里从三百多年后的当代开始讲述,借由当代探险家的发现,谱写了一段印加帝国反抗西班牙人的史诗故事,读来令人唏嘘。

  3. 11 de oct. de 2021 · A young Inca emperor, the brother of Atahualpa, soon led a massive rebellion against the Spaniards, inflicting heavy casualties and nearly wiping out the conquerors. Eventually, however, Pizarro and his men forced the emperor to abandon the Andes and flee to the Amazon.

  4. Un fascinante relato histórico y una historia de aventuras de hoy en día, Los Últimos Días de los Incas trae de vuelta a vida esta vivencia de una de las más grandes historias de mundo. En 1532, el conquistador español Francisco Pizarro llegó al Perú.

  5. 1 de mar. de 2021 · Although the Incas fought a deadly, thirty-six-year-long guerrilla war, the Spanish ultimately captured the last Inca emperor and vanquished the native resistance. Kim MacQuarrie lived in Peru for five years and became fascinated by the Incas and the history of the Spanish conquest.

  6. Allí construyó una ciudad que resistió como último bastión inca durante 36 años hasta caer en manos españolas en 1572. Kim MacQuarrie ha recogido un inolvidable relato de la conquista española y de la búsqueda de la ciudad perdida de Vilcabamba.

  7. The Last Days of the Incas is among the most powerful and important accounts of the Spanish conquest of the Inca Empire, of the modern search for the Incas’ lost Amazonian capital of Vilcabamba, and of the discovery of Machu Picchu.