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  1. 19 de sept. de 2023 · Patton vs Monty: la vergonzosa guerra interna que casi provocó la debacle Aliada en la IIGM. Después del Desembarco de Normandía, ambos iniciaron una lucha por el escaso combustible que podía...

  2. 23 de mar. de 2023 · In March 1945 the Rhine River was the last great barrier to the heart of Germany. General George S. Patton of US 3rd Army and Field Marshall Bernard L. Montg...

  3. The Battle of Monte Cassino, also known as the Battle for Rome, was a series of four military assaults by the Allies against German forces in Italy during the Italian Campaign of World War II. The objective was to break through the Winter Line and facilitate an advance towards Rome .

  4. 30 de mar. de 2024 · Patton no se mordió la lengua frente a Bradley: «¡Al infierno con Monty. Ganaré vuestra maldita guerra si mantienes en marcha al Tercer Ejército». El norteameri­cano hizo oídos sordos y ordenó a sus tanquistas que siguieran a todo galope hacia el este.

  5. With the British and American forces under Montgomery's command holding the northern flank of the German assault, General Patton's Third Army, which was 90 miles (140 km) to the south, turned north and fought its way through the severe weather and German opposition to relieve the besieged American forces in Bastogne.

  6. 24 de may. de 2017 · For more than a month, U.S. troops under the command of Lt. Gen. George S. Patton Jr. raced British troops under Gen. Bernard Law Montgomery, each general eager to claim credit for capturing the strategic Mediterranean port city. Now the American had won.

  7. In 1943 the Allies took their first steps on Axis home soil when they invaded the Island of Sicily. The invasion would be a huge test of Allied planning, logistics and relationships, as Montgomery and Patton raced to capture the Axis port of Messina. But was the campaign a success or a failure?