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  1. Nightwing (real name Richard "Dick" Grayson, born December 1, 1996) [3] was the first Robin. The former protégé of Batman, Nightwing is a founding member of the Team. He assumed the leadership role of the covert operations team while Aqualad was in deep cover, but stepped down after the death of Wally West.

  2. Se convirtió en Nightwing el 26 de octubre del 2012, luego de una discusión con Bruce en la baticueva, él se va siendo aun Robin. Semanas después, vuelve donde Batman y resuelven su ultimo caso, entonces Dick decide crear su nuevo alter ego, llamado Nightwing.

  3. Nightwing along with everyone else gets away and returns to land where they must say goodbye to the six League members who must clear the Justice League's name in other worlds. Nightwing, alongside Robin and Batgirl, say a heartfelt goodbye and good luck to their mentor, Batman.

  4. 4 de dic. de 2021 · In this video I compile every fight scene that has Nightwing in Young Justice. This covers Young Justice Seasons 2-3.

  5. On August 6, 2018, Nightwing became the leader of a new team consisting of himself, Superboy, Tigress, Black Lightning, Geo-Force, Forager and Halo. After a three-month training period, the junior members graduated into the Team. Three months later, Black Lightning left as well, effectively...

  6. Nightwing was one of the few members of the Young Justice team who knew that Aqualad and Artemis were undercover within the Light to try and discover their secrets and their mysterious partner, The Reach.

  7. Nightwing and Zatanna were members of the Team. They've had a relationship, and though they have broken up, they're still on very good, and intimate, terms. Dick and Zatanna first met on October 10, 2010, when her father introduced her to the Team. Robin was quick to interrupt M'gann's...

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