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  1. Las cluster sets, también conocidas como cluster training o series clúster, son uno de los numerosos métodos existentes para estructurar nuestras rutinas de fuerza e hipertrofia.

  2. 12 de may. de 2022 · Cluster sets allow you to lift more weight or perform more reps. In this article, we will cover a comprehensive guide to cluster sets by explaining: What cluster sets are; How cluster sets differ from straight sets; What cluster sets are shown to do; How to use them for power, strength and hypertrophy

  3. ¿Qué son las Cluster Sets? Se trata de introducir una micropausa entre las repeticiones dentro de una serie formando bloques de trabajo y agrupándolas entre 1 y 3 repeticiones (incluso más) a diferencia de las ¨series tradicionales¨ donde las repeticiones se hacen todas seguidas y sin descanso.

  4. Las series o cluster sets son una metodología de entrenamiento que rompe con el paradigma de las series tradicionales, proponiendo una estructura de entrenamiento que intercala pausas cortas dentro de una serie de repeticiones.

  5. 15 de may. de 2013 · Cluster sets allow for motor unit synchronization, high levels of muscular force, and the recruitment of high-threshold motor units without fatigue. Heavier weights for more reps, gives us bigger muscles. Think also about the metabolic disturbance created by session density.

  6. Cluster sets are sets with built-in, intraset rest periods allowing for more weight, reps, and total tonnage lifted. For example, instead of doing 4 sets of 6 repetitions, you would perform 4 sets of 2+2+2 repetitions with 30 second intraset rest.

  7. 11 de mar. de 2024 · Cluster sets are a relatively new technique, but one that has risen in popularity in bodybuilding as well powerlifting. Rest-assured, they allow you to get more reps with the same weight as a straight set. The Barbell investigates cluster sets.