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  1. Sally: Juega conmigo. El sol, como siempre, acariciaba la piel de quienes se deleitaban bajo su resplandor; la brisa suave que recorría el barrio confería serenidad al entorno, creando así un clima perfecto. Este verano se convertiría en un recuerdo imborrable para la encantadora Sally. Ella era una niña de 8 años.

  2. Sally Maryam Williams, more commonly known as Sally or Sally Maryam Dawn, is a young female spirit killed by her uncle Johnny. After her initial death, she continued to haunt her old house, scaring the living daylights out of its-then current inhabitants and happily playing with its younger ones.

  3. Sally Maryam Williams era una niña muy alegre, hasta que su tío Johnny empezó a abusar de ella, lo que provocaba que la pequeña niña fuera cada vez más insegura, temerosa y triste. Ella intentó delatar a su tío con su madre, pero ésta ultima trató de convencerla de que solo se trataba de una….

  4. 11 de ene. de 2017 · Nombre: Sally Williams. Alias:Sally. Edad: 8 años. Especie: Fantasma. Nacimiento: 7 de marzo ( no asegurada). Nacionalidad: Estados Unidos. Peligro: No tanto. Habilidades: Atravesar cosas, esconderse facilmente, teletransportacion, etc. Frase: Play whit me. Arma: Sus poderes. (Esta historia también será resumida)

  5. 29 de feb. de 2012 · A young girl named Sally spends a summer with her uncle Johnny, who seems to have a dark secret. Read the chilling tale of how Sally's innocence is corrupted by a sinister doll named La-Mishi-Mish.

  6. Sally (Solipome) more commonly known as just Sally, is the main protagonist of the Creepypasta story "Play With Me." She is a female spirit who was killed by her uncle (John/Johnny) and is relatively passive in nature, especially towards kids.

  7. Sally is kind, silly, playful, and somewhat of a trickster. She can get jealous over small things, such as 'new people' getting to know her playmates, believing they're trying to take them away from her.

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