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  1. En Haunt the House podrás ahuyentar a 30 invitados indeseados de tu casa poseyendo objetos cotidianos. Toma el control de la lámpara de araña y deja que baile y parpadee. Posee un espejo y deja que un rostro demoníaco asuste a todos.

  2. Eres un fantasma que vive en una tranquila mansión y el día de Halloween te vienen a molestar para vender la casa. Posee todos los objetos cercanos a los visitantes y muévelos para asustarlos. Controles.

  3. 13 de jun. de 2023 · Haunt the House es un juego divertido en el que , como fantasma, puedes divertirte un poco con los invitados no deseados de la casa. Tu misión es ahuyentar a 30 molestos intrusos que han invadido tu hogar al poseer objetos cotidianos.

  4. 25 de may. de 2015 · In the game Haunt The House: Terrortown, you will have to make friends with them because you will have to be one of these ghosts, but a cute ghost, a small and brave ghost who will have to haunt the people of a castle built on many levels.

  5. 13 de jun. de 2023 · In an instant, you can transform yourself into any item within the house, giving you the power to strike fear into the hearts of each and every intruder. It's your chance to make their blood run cold and chase them off your property for good.

  6. Haunt The House is set in a huge house where many people visit. You turn into a ghost in this house and you need to kick them out of the house in any way! Today, there are many video games inspired by interesting topics in life. You can find sports games, shooting games, or quizzes online.

  7. Haunt the House. 👻 Nobody likes house guests, especially if you are a ghost. In Haunt the House you get to scare 30 unwanted guests away from your home by possessing every day objects. Take control of the chandelier and let it dance and flicker.

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