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  1. VIN PLANTINGA’S WHERE THE CONFLICT REALLY LIES SCIENCE, RELIGION, ANDNATURALISMPlantinga’s book is a semi-popular treatment of. the conflicts, real or perceived, between science and religion, broadly construed. Because these disciplines are so broadly construed, the Christian who is interested in apparent conflicts between science and bib.

  2. The prominent philosopher Alvin Plantinga has expounded two dozen or so arguments for God’s existence. The cumulative force of these arguments makes it probable that God exists. In summary, if my three theses are correct, then evil does not render improbable the existence of the Christian God; on the contrary, considering the full scope of the evidence, God’s existence is probable.

  3. 20 de ago. de 2012 · And Alvin Plantinga has come to the table in a series of essays that he shares with Danial Dennett on science and religion. This evolution blog with Jason Rosenhouse picked up and he's commented on this exchange, and I think it brought out some things that we can talk about.

  4. Premiere among this new crop of philosophers stands Alvin Plantinga of the University of Notre Dame, a sort of latterday Anselm, whom the late J. L. Mackie, perhaps one of the most prominent atheists of our day, has facetiously canonized as "St. Alvin." A few years ago, Plantinga gave a paper entitled, "Two Dozen or so Theistic Arguments," in ...

  5. No anti–Molinist has, to my knowledge, yet responded to Alvin Plantinga's simple retort to the grounding objection: "It seems to me much clearer that some counterfactuals of freedom are at least possibly true than that the truth of propositions must, in general, be grounded in this way."

  6. Dr. Craig discusses Alvin Plantinga's defense of a time-tested argument by C.S. Lewis.

  7. 10 de ene. de 2011 · Dr. Craig, I have some questions about Reformed Epistemology and your view on the witness of the Holy Spirit as explicated in Question 68. Following the lead of Alvin Plantinga, you try to argue that classical foundationalism is self-refuting because the criterion used by classical foundationalism (

  8. It’s true, as Welty reminds us, that he has not actually defended conceptualism for any other allegedly abstract objects than propositions and pos- sible worlds, but given the conceptualist’s desire to preserve divine aseity, it is natural that he will also seek to identify mathematical objects like sets with God’s mental activities, as Alvin Plantinga has proposed.

  9. 12 de ago. de 2013 · Alvin Plantinga has argued that belief in God is similarly a properly basic belief, which he would say is grounded in certain experiences of the world like feelings that I am a sinner before God, or all of this was designed by God, or in the case of Christian beliefs, that when we read in Scripture that God was in Christ reconciling the world to himself, the Holy Spirit produces in us a ...

  10. spearheaded by Alvin Plantinga, to defend the rationality of theistic belief not based on argument. According to Plantinga, belief that God exists is what he calls a "properly basic" belief-that is to say, is not based on inference from other beliefs but is rationally warranted in the circumstances of one's immediate experience of God.