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  1. The University of Illinois Springfield (UIS) is a public university in Springfield, Illinois. The university was established by the Illinois General Assembly in 1969 as Sangamon State University with a focus on post-graduate education. It became the third member of the University of Illinois system on July 1, 1995.

  2. UIS’ Sangamon Experience explores central Illinois journalism and social justice in the 1980s

  3. In 1960, a group of central Illinois citizens, united in their goal of bringing a four-year university to the capital city, formed the Springfield Committee for Higher Education. Legislation creating Sangamon State University (SSU) was signed in 1969.

  4. La universidad fue fundada en 1969 como Universidad Estatal de Sangamon por la Asamblea General de Illinois y pasó a formar parte de la Universidad de Illinois el 1 de julio de 1995. Como universidad pública de artes liberales y el campus más nuevo de la Universidad de Illinois , la UIS es miembro del Consejo de Facultades Públicas de Artes ...

  5. Introducing the electrifying 24.25 Broadway Series, debuting in Springfield with a stellar lineup! Featuring four sensational shows, each promising an unparalleled theatrical experience.

  6. NEARLY 12,000 UIS GRADUATES reside in Sangamon county, home of the state capitol EXPLORE MORE THAN 75% OF UIS STUDENTS are Illinois residents, reflecting our commitment to keeping talented students in our state.

  7. Sangamon State and the Blue Memo. The curricular emphases above are grounded in the history of UIS and its predecessor, Sangamon State University. Legislated to be an “innovative institution” at its creation, the campus and its first president, Robert Spencer, set the stage for general education by issuing the “Blue Memo”, so-called for ...