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  1. Hrólfs saga kraka o la Saga del rey Hrólfr Kraki es una saga legendaria tardía sobre las aventuras de Hrólfr Kraki y su clan vikingo, los Skjöldung. Los hechos pueden fecharse a finales del siglo V y principios del siglo VI.

  2. Hrólfs saga kraka, the Saga of King Rolf Kraki, is a late legendary saga on the adventures Hrólfr Kraki, a semi-legendary king in what is now Denmark, and his clan, the Skjöldungs. The events can be dated to the late 5th century and the 6th century.

  3. A narrative about pre-Viking Age kings and their rivals, Hrolf's saga, as the text is often called, tells of King Hrolf, a warrior chieftain who ruled in Denmark about the sixth century AD.

  4. 1 de ago. de 2012 · Hrólfs saga kraka (English: Saga of King Hrolf kraki) is an Old Norse saga. The saga is commonly held by Tolkien scholars to be the main source for the idea behind the character Beorn. Tolkien is known to have created a short story based on the Hrólfs saga kraka, which he called Sellic Spell.

  5. Saga de Hrólfr Kraki. En la saga de Hrólfr Kraki, Halfdan tuvo tres hijos, dos varones Helgi y Hróarr , y una hembra Signý. La hermana era la mayor y casó con el jarl Sævil, con quien tuvon un hijo llamado Hrókr.

  6. Hrólfs saga kraka o la Saga del rey Hrólfr Kraki es una saga legendaria tardía sobre las aventuras de Hrólfr Kraki y su clan vikingo, los Skjöldung. Los hechos pueden fecharse a finales del siglo V y principios del siglo VI.

  7. Saga of Hrolf Kraki was written in the 14th century. Skaldskaparmal, from the Prose Edda, was written by Snorri Sturluson. Related Articles: Hrolf, Bodvar, Yrsa, Adils, Norns, elves.