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  1. Master the power of art. The campus of this University is located in Saga/Arashiyama, a place surrounded by historic shrines, temples, and roads. The environment plays an important role in art.

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  2. Saga


  3. Kyoto Saga University of Arts (four-year university) and Kyoto Saga Art College (two-year college) are located in Arashiyama, one of the most radiant and enchanting communities of Kyoto, and both trace their roots back to Daikaku-ji Temple.

  4. Toward a Kyoto Renaissance; To the Youth of Tomorrow; A Future Built on the Arts

  5. We welcome students from across the world to study with us at KCUA. Our international students come from Asian, European, and North American countries, and their unique cultures and experience help to enrich the environment of the university.

  6. 19 de sept. de 2013 · Acontecimientos que tienen lugar: • Ceremonia del té a bordo del barco en el lago Osawa (precio extra). • Mini concierto de tambor y flauta. • Concierto de Koto (por el Kyoto Saga Art College) • Exposición al aire libre en el lago y alrededores (por la Kyoto Saga Universidad de Artes).

  7. 学在京都——遍布艺术元素的城市. 京都 素有“整城皆艺术宝藏”之美誉,堪称一座艺术文化城市。 而岚山地区则是京都市内屈指可数的著名景点,自平安时代便是艺术活动的热土,可谓是涵养艺术灵感的理想环境。 “少而精”方针才能实现“专属自己的工作室” 本校招收名额很少,本科每年招收135名,大专为150名,全校学生总共只有约1100名。 由于规模不大,每一学生都能拥有专属自己的作业空间,可以全身心地投入于创作活动中。 学园出资单位为大觉寺. 大觉寺是真言宗大觉寺派的大本山(总部),奉弘法大师空海为宗派鼻祖。 本校于1971年作为美术单科大学创立,目的在于秉承嵯峨天皇及弘法大师空海的思想和实践、将两者精神充分体现于现代。 KYOTO SAGA UNIVERSITY OF ARTS.