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  1. Anselm Kiefer (Donaueschingen, 8 maart 1945) is een Duitse kunstschilder en beeldhouwer. Werkbeschrijving. Kiefer gebruikt in zijn werk naast verf ook materialen als stro, zand, glas, as, beton, roestig ijzer, klei, haar en lood. Zijn werk zit vol ...

  2. Anselm Kiefer's monumental, often confrontational canvases were groundbreaking at a time when painting was considered all but dead as a medium. The artist is most known for his subject matter dealing with German history and myth, particularly as it relates to the Holocaust. These works forced his contemporaries to deal with Germany's past in an ...

  3. Anselm Kiefer was born on March 8, 1945, in Donaueschingen, Baden-Württembürg, Germany, and raised near the east bank of the Rhine in the region of the Black Forest. Kiefer was named after the nineteenth-century classical painter Anselm Feuerbach and planned from childhood to become an artist.

  4. Anselm Kiefer (Donaueschingen, 8 de marzo de 1945) es un pintor y escultor alemán, adscrito al Neoexpresionismo, una de las corrientes del arte postmoderno surgida en los años 80. Vivió su infancia en Rastatt, pasando a estudiar artes plásticas en Friburgo de Brisgovia, en Karlsruhe con el profesor Horst Antes y en Düsseldorf, donde fue alumno de Joseph Beuys.

  5. Anselm Kiefer, né le 8 mars 1945 à Donaueschingen, est un artiste plasticien contemporain allemand. Il vit et travaille en France à Croissy-Beaubourg. Anselm Kiefer naît à Donaueschingen et grandit dans la région frontalière du lac de Constance et de la Forêt-Noire aux confins de la Suisse, de l'Allemagne et de la France, dont la culture l'influença plus particulièrement.

  6. Anselm Kiefer, född 8 mars 1945 i Donaueschingen i Baden-Württemberg, är en tysk målare och skulptör. Anselm Kiefer bodde först i Rastatt i Tyskland och sedan studerade han bildkonst hos Peter Dreher i Freiburg im Breisgau , i Karlsruhe hos Horst Antes och i Düsseldorf hos Joseph Beuys . År 1969 framträdde han med sin första utställning med bildserien "Besetzungen" i Karlsruhe.

  7. Anselm Kiefer (born 8 March 1945) is a German painter and sculptor. He studied with Peter Dreher and Horst Antes at the end of the 1960s. His works incorporate materials such as straw, ash, clay, lead, and shellac. The poems of Paul Celan have played a role in developing Kiefer's themes of German history and the horrors of the Holocaust, as ...

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