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  1. › fr-fr › supportEasy Anti-Cheat


  2. Si elegiste No cuando se te pidió instalar el Easy Anticheat (EAC), Fortnite no podrá ejecutarse. Tendrás que instalarlo para poder jugar. Nota: es posible que tengas que reinstalar Fortnite en el mismo disco donde esté instalado Windows para evitar problemas con el registro o permisos de usuario. Sigue estos pasos para instalar EAC: Asegúrate de tener cerrado el iniciador del EAC.

  3. Fall Guys is great on Deck with GE. Nice, no problems. Run desktop mode, install Proton GE-7-15 if you don't have it already, close steam. Open it back up so it registers that GE has been installed. Go to your library and select tools instead of games, scroll down to proton easy anticheat, install it, head back to game mode, fire up Fall Guys.

  4. Follow these steps to install EAC: Ensure that the EAC launcher is closed. Launch Fortnite from the client again. When the EAC install prompt comes up from Windows, click Yes. If the prompt doesn't appear, you’ll need to install it manually by following these steps: Navigate to the EasyAntiCheat folder in your Fortnite install directory.

  5. Se você escolheu Não no momento da instalação do Easy Anti-Cheat (EAC), você não conseguirá iniciar o Fortnite.Você precisará instalar o EAC para poder jogar. Observação: pode ser necessário reinstalar o Fortnite no mesmo disco do Windows para evitar problemas de registro ou permissões de usuário. Siga estes passos para instalar o EAC: ...

  6. At the bottom left of the Easy Anti-Cheat Setup, click Uninstall Do not reinstall, press x to close this window. Go back to Fall Guys game directory as per step 1 and delete the EasyAntiCheat folder Then delete “FallGuys_client_game.exe” and “FallGuysEACLauncher.exe”, "FallGuys_Client.exe" "EOS BootStrapper.exe"

  7. Wenn du bei der Frage, ob Easy Anti-Cheat (EAC) installiert werden soll, Nein ausgewählt hast, kann Fortnite nicht gestartet werden.Um spielen zu können, muss es zwingend installiert sein. Hinweis: Um Probleme mit der Registrierungsdatenbank oder mit Nutzerberechtigungen zu vermeiden, musst du Fortnite möglicherweise auf dem gleichen Laufwerk neu installieren, auf dem sich auch Windows ...

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    easy anti cheat download fall guys