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  1. BPMN Notation and its Elements. BPMN are diagrams with a set of graphical elements. The four basic categories of elements are: 1. Flow Objects: Events, Activities and Gateways. Event: Events are represented by circles containing other symbols based on event type. It could be Start, Intermediate or End.

  2. A BPMN model can be transformed into an EPC model. Conversely, an EPC model can be transformed into a BPMN model with only a slight loss of information. A study showed that for the same process, the BPMN model may need around 40% fewer elements than the corresponding EPC model, but with a slightly larger set of symbols.

  3. 10 de ene. de 2024 · BPMN (Business Process Model and Notation) symbols can be categorized into several main types based on their functions in visualizing business processes. 1. Flow Objects in BPMN. Flow objects are symbols that represent elements in a business process that impact the flow of the process. They collectively help model the sequence of activities ...

  4. 13 de abr. de 2021 · BPMN Basics: Elements and Symbols. Tuesday, April 13, 2021. When developing a new process, whether using CMW Lab software or some other third-party software for business process management, mapping the steps is a key part of determining the best approach. This is why so many businesses use business process modeling software as a means to ...

  5. Naming BPMN elements. Name all elements in your BPMN diagrams by focusing on the business perspective. For activities, use a verb to describe what to do. For events, describe in which (business) state the process or domain object is currently in. For (data-based) gateways, pose a question and describe the conditions under which the process ...

  6. L’OMG (Object Management Group) est un consortium international dont le but est de standardiser et de promouvoir le modèle objet. La norme BPMN 2.0 est devenue un standard incontournable pour la modélisation des processus métier. Elle constitue la norme internationale ISO/CEI 195103 depuis juillet 2013.

  7. BPMN has been primarily developed to design and read both simple and complex diagrams of business processes. For that, the BPMN standard classifies the graphic elements by categories: as a result, the elements are easily recognized by the users who work with business process diagrams. Basic Constructs. There are five basic categories of BPMN ...