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  1. 14 de jun. de 2024 · Pierre Bourdieu (born August 1, 1930, Denguin, France—died January 23, 2002, Paris) was a French sociologist who was a public intellectual in the tradition of Émile Zola and Jean-Paul Sartre.Bourdieu’s concept of habitus (socially acquired dispositions) was influential in recent postmodernist humanities and social sciences.. Bourdieu was born into a working-class family in southern France.

  2. Pierre Bourdieu. Některá data mohou pocházet z datové položky. Pierre Félix Bourdieu [pjerr féliks burďjö] ( 1. srpna 1930 Denguin, Francie – 23. ledna 2002 Paříž) byl francouzský sociolog a antropolog. Věnoval se mj. sociologii vzdělání a kultury.

  3. 17 de mar. de 2019 · Pierre Bourdieu was a renowned sociologist and public intellectual who made significant contributions to general sociological theory, theorizing the link between education and culture, and research into the intersections of taste, class, and education.He is well known for pioneering such terms as "symbolic violence," "cultural capital," and "habitus."

  4. 8 de abr. de 2022 · Abstract. Pierre Bourdieu was arguably the most important social theorist of the twentieth century. A French sociologist, he produced during his lifetime scores of empirical studies that laid the foundation for a rich theoretical program. These included studies of French colonialism in Algeria, the education system in France, new forms of state ...

  5. Pierre Bourdieu (født 1. august 1930 i Denguin, død 23. januar 2002 i Paris) var en bredt anerkendt fransk sociolog og antropolog, hvis arbejde indeholdt metoder fra en lang række af discipliner; fra filosofi og litteraturteori til sociologi og antropologi.Bourdieus værk er så omfattende, at det kan diskuteres, hvad der er hans hovedværk. To skiller sig ud: La distinction fra 1979 og La ...

  6. Pierre Felix Bourdieu 1930. augusztus 1-jén született a Pireneusokban található Denguin faluban. Egyedüli gyermek volt. Középfokú tanulmányait Pau-ban kezdte, majd a párizsi Lycée Louis-le-Grand középiskolában végezte a felsőfokú tanulmányokra felkészítő évet. Innen nyert felvételt az École normale supérieure -be.

  7. Pierre Bourdieu. Este artículo propone una sinopsis de la teoría de la acción social de Pierre Bourdieu. Ésta se funda en cuatro conceptos: habitus, campo, violencia simbólica y capital. Es una teoría relacional y disposicional, superando oposiciones canónicas de las ciencias sociales al inscribirse, según Bourdieu, en un enfoque de ...

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