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  1. Columbia Community Service supports nonprofit organizations throughout Upper Manhattan through the generosity of faculty, staff, and retirees. The Office of Government and Community Affairs is the University’s primary liaison with federal, state, and local government, as well as with residents, community leaders, and civic organizations in surrounding neighborhoods.

  2. Admissions. For more than 250 years, Columbia has been a leader in higher education in the nation and around the world. At the core of our wide range of academic inquiry is the commitment to attract and engage the best minds in pursuit of greater human understanding, pioneering new discoveries, and service to society.

  3. Academics. The University offers an outstanding and comprehensive array of academic programs. These include three undergraduate schools, fifteen graduate and professional schools, a world-renowned medical center, four affiliated colleges and seminaries, twenty-five libraries, and more than one hundred research centers and institutes.

  4. University Mission Statement. Columbia University is one of the world's most important centers of research and at the same time a distinctive and distinguished learning environment for undergraduates and graduate students in many scholarly and professional fields. The University recognizes the importance of its location in New York City and ...

  5. La Universidad de Columbia Británica (en inglés: University of British Columbia; en sus siglas: UBC) es una universidad pública canadiense cuyo campus principal se encuentra en West Point Grey, inmediatamente al oeste de Vancouver, Columbia Británica.Cuenta además con tres campus más pequeños dentro de la ciudad de Vancouver y uno en la ciudad de Kelowna, el cual es conocido como ...

  6. El profesional egresado de Contaduría Públicade la Universidad Columbia del Paraguay posee habilidades, competencias y conocimientos para desempeñarse en los más altos niveles de la organización pues posee una formación integral que le permite planear, ejecutar, controlar y tomar decisiones efectivas en entidades públicas y privadas.

  7. La Universidad del Distrito de Columbia ( UDC, University of the District of Columbia en idioma inglés) es una universidad pública estadounidense con sede en la ciudad de Washington D. C. Es la única universidad pública del Distrito de Columbia, y una de las pocas universidades urbanas land-grant. Es miembro del Thurgood Marshall College Fund .

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