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  1. Sir Morell Mackenzie (* 7. Juli 1837 in Leytonstone, Essex; † 3. Februar 1892 in London) war ein englischer Mediziner und Laryngologe. Leben. Mackenzie studierte Medizin am London Hospital Medical College und er unternahm Studienreisen nach Paris ...

  2. › articles › 140016a0Nature vol 140-n3531

    Srn MoRELL MACKENZIE, the eminent throat specialist of the Victorian era, was bom at Layton stone, Essex, on July 7, 1837. He came of a medical family, his father being a distinguished general ...

  3. The story of Sir Morell Mackenzie and his famous patient, Frederick III, Crown Prince of Germany naturally divides itself into four segments: the physician, his famous patient, the illness, and its consequences both medically and historically. The circumstances of Frederick's death have affected us …

  4. Morell Mackenzie, sir Mackenzie, né à Leytonstone, au Royaume-Uni, le 7 juillet 1837, et décédé à Londres le 3 février 1892, est un médecin britannique. Pionnier de la laryngologie en Grande-Bretagne, il est l’auteur de plusieurs ouvrages consacrés à cette discipline.

  5. Dr. Morell Mackenzie has lately reached his fiftieth year, and has attained the height of his fame as an author and practitioner. He was born at Leytonston in 1837, and studied first in London. At the age of twenty-two he passed his examination, then practiced as physician in the London Hospital, and obtained his degree in 1862.

  6. 5 de jun. de 2021 · Sir Morell Mackenzie’s grave at St Mary’s Church, Wargrave, with the laurel wreath. The driving force behind this event was Laryngologist, Dr James Irwin Moore, who had by chance acquired The Little House, built by Morell Mackenzie in the High Street of the Thames side village of Wargrave. Irwin Moore qualified in Edinburgh in 1893.

  7. Morell Mackenzie, född 7 juli 1837, död 3 februari 1892, var en brittisk läkare. Mackenzie var en framstående laryngolog och var 1863-1877 chef för det av honom grundade Hospital for diseases of the throat i London, vilket blev mönstret för liknande institutioner i Storbritannien och USA.